To report a claim or lawsuit, contact your claim representative by phone or submit pertinent information, lien letter, or petition by mail, fax or email to:
Phone: (573) 893-5300
Mail: 4700 Country Club Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65109
Fax: 573-893-3748
Email: or one of the HSG Claim Management Team members directly.
During normal business hours (8a-4:30p), simply call our home office and request our Claim Management staff. After normal business hours, please call the number below to activate the 24/7 Claims Hotline. If you do not reach someone immediately, please leave your name, affiliation, phone number and a brief description of the event and a member of our Claim staff will call you back as soon as possible.
Our attorneys are available to consult with clients concerning legal matters, even if a formal claim has not been made. Such matters may include advice on HIPAA compliance, responding to complaints or requests by patients or family members, and other legal matters, such as:
Our claim representatives assist our clients in response to subpoenas and other requests to produce medical records or documents. When appropriate, we retain outside counsel to represent the client’s interests, at no additional cost.
When an insured client or any of its employees is subpoenaed or requested to give a deposition regarding medical care (even if a formal claim has not been presented), we assign an attorney to represent and defend the individual at the deposition.
When a licensing board or other governmental agency requires an insured client or any of its employees to provide records, create a written summary, or appear in front of the board or agency, our claim representatives assist throughout the process and retain an attorney to represent the insured.
During business hours (8:00am – 4:30pm), call our office at (573) 893-5300 and request the Risk Management Department.
After business hours, please call our confidential HSG Hotline at (573) 353-8764.
HEALS provides education and support to insured healthcare providers after they experience a bad patient outcome, during a complaint investigation and during malpractice litigation. The program focuses on the healthcare providers’ thoughts, concerns and questions about the events unfolding around them. HEALS is an information sharing program with its primary objective being to help providers return to peak performance as quickly as possible.
HSG’s Claim Department and the Risk Management & Patient Safety (RM&PS) Department work closely together to deliver the HEALS program to insured clients. HEALS is part of HSG’s claims services. HEALS is managed and controlled by the Claim Department as part of the claims process but delivered by HSG’s RM&PS Department. Since it is a part of the claims management process, the information discussed is privileged just like other claims related information.
For more information: Risk Management & Patient Safety Newsletter, Spring 2014, Volume 11, No. 2 newsletter & HEALS brochure.
We believe that our insured clients who apply solid risk management practices should see their efforts reflected in their premium. Participation is strictly voluntary in this program; however, it can result in a discounted premium of up to 10% on your professional liability insurance renewal.
The first part of the program focuses on education. There are two ways to earn the education premium discount — up to 10% per year. Eligible insured Physicians/Surgeons or Allied Healthcare professionals can attend a one-hour, on-site risk management program, provided by a MLA consultant, for 3% premium discount or successfully complete our online educational courses for 1% premium discount for each completed course. These options can be combined to earn a total of 10% education premium discount per year.
The second part of the program focuses on self-survey and office practice assessment and provides a 2.5% premium discount for two years upon premium renewal. Our Clinic Self-Survey is designed to assist in identifying and correcting risk management concerns in your office practice. In addition to the premium discount you will earn for reviewing and completing this Clinic Self-Survey, it will be reviewed by our Risk Management professionals and specific recommendations and action plans will be developed to help you address opportunities for improvement. A report comparing your organization to other survey respondents will also be provided.
Healthcare Services Group (HSG) Family of Companies believes in giving back to its members and policyholders. The Companies employ highly efficient operating practices, keeping the expense ratio well below the national average, providing additional revenue to the bottom line, and allowing us to sustain increasing dividends and profit sharing to policyholders.
2024 Dividend and Profit Sharing Announcement
In 2024, the Missouri Hospital Plan (MHP) board of directors declared a $14 million dividend payable to members renewing in 2024. This represents a $1 million increase over the dividend amount paid in 2023. MHP has a long history of providing substantial annual dividends to MHP members. Overall, MHP has declared $240 million in dividends to its members over the past 18 years.
In addition, the MLA board of directors declared a 13% Quality Caregivers profit sharing payout for eligible insureds upon renewal, an increase of 2% from 2023. MLA is a wholly owned subsidiary of MHP. This is the 16th consecutive year that MLA has produced profit to share with qualifying insureds. Over this time, the MLA board has declared over $24 million in profit sharing.
Fact 1: Eligibility: Members are eligible to receive dividends after one year upon renewal
Fact 2: 2022 Return: $13M was returned to members
Fact 3: Dividend Sharing Ratio: MHP’s 40% dividend ratio is more than 20 times that of industry peers
Fact 1: Eligibility: Policyholders are eligible for profit sharing after one year*
Fact 2: 2022 Return: 11% of premium was returned to policyholders
Fact 3: Profit Sharing Ratio: MLA’s 11% profit sharing ratio is more than three times that of industry peers
Fact 4: 2021 profit sharing payout marks $14 million returned to policyholders since 2010.
*Payable upon renewal, subject to defined loss experience standards.
ProCon has developed a Cyber Liability program specifically designed for hospitals and leveraged the buying power of the group, resulting in broad coverage with an extremely competitive pricing model. The policies cover a variety of expenses associated with data breaches, including: notification costs, credit monitoring, costs to defend claims by state regulators, fines and penalties, and loss resulting from identity theft.
For more information visit the HSGCF page.
Executive Director, HSGCF HSG Security Officer |
HAT combines most of the benefits of self-insurance with the protection of guaranteed cost programs. Its group trust arrangement gives it the ability to control price, based on its own experience combined with improved safety and claim management efforts. The board consists of participants that have a vested interested in reducing injuries and claim costs. Like other HSG companies, the Trust has been very profitable for many years and has returned substantial dividends to its members.
ProCon is the exclusive agent for HAT and can also access commercial markets to provide coverage for smaller hospitals on a guaranteed cost basis and self-insurance programs.
Through its partnership with Acrisure, HSG provides affordable insurance coverage and flexible benefit programs for member hospitals. Available programs include group health, life, dental, disability and voluntary benefits. As a result, hospitals have realized substantial savings and employee benefit plan improvements as members.
For information on benefit plan programs for your organization, please call Randy Lueckenotte at 573-636-3222.