The vision of the Healthcare Services Group Charitable Foundation (HSGCF) is to fund healthcare programs that advance the quality of patient care, patient safety, and community wellness.
We are happy to provide the following programs to our member hospitals and insured clients:
Matching Scholarship and Tuition Reimbursement Program
This program provides eligible members and insureds with matching funds for scholarships, tuition
reimbursement, employee training, and certification programs. If your recruitment efforts include
reimbursement for student loans or education-related expenses, those funds can be matched as well.
- Missouri Hospital Plan (MHP) members – $5,000
- Medical Liability Alliance (MLA) insureds – up to $5,000 to qualifying Medical Liability Alliance (MLA) insureds to match funds expended to support scholarships, tuition reimbursement, training, or certification funds for students within the medical community, or employed by our insureds. (Funding allocations are determined on a sliding scale for MLA insureds with at least $10,000 in annual premium. To determine the amount your organization’s qualifying amount, email
For more information, contact: |
Becky Branson Hill, MBA, Ed.D. | Kim Schlup, AIS |
Executive Director | Sr. Marketing & Communications Coordinator |
HSG Charitable Foundation | HSG Charitable Foundation || 573-644-1323 || 573-644-1304 |
The HSG Charitable Foundation grants up to $25,000 for projects that improve quality, reduce patient harm and/or improve patient outcomes for Missouri Hospital Plan members.
Each Missouri Hospital Plan (MHP) member hospital may apply for up to $25,000 through either one grant application or multiple applications combined. The grant application process begins in late August of each year. Funding priority will be given to proposals that are innovative, evidence based, and directly aimed at improving patient safety and reducing professional liability claims.
Patient Safety Grants are awarded for projects that improve quality, reduce patient harm and/or improve patient outcomes for Missouri Hospital Plan members. The program objective is to encourage and support member efforts in developing and implementing innovative patient safety and quality initiatives in a collaborative process with physicians. Projects should aim to reduce or eliminate risk of adverse events and improve patient care.
For more information on the HSGCF Patient Safety Grant program, please contact:
For more information, contact: |
Becky Branson Hill, MBA, Ed.D. | Kim Schlup, AIS |
Executive Director | Sr. Marketing & Communications Coordinator |
HSG Charitable Foundation | HSG Charitable Foundation || 573-644-1323 || 573-644-1304 |
Past Awarded Hospitals
Hospital Team Member Assistance Fund Application
The HSG Charitable Foundation Board of Directors founded the Hospital Team Member Assistance Fund to provide a source of support for employees of Missouri Hospital Plan members during times of defined crisis.
Qualifying Guidelines:
- Applicants must be employed by a Missouri Hospital Plan member hospital.
- Applicants can only receive assistance from the Fund one time during a twelve-month period. (Under extreme circumstances, exceptions may be made with full Board review only when meeting defined crisis guidelines.)
- Applicant must complete all application requirements and crisis must be a qualifying situation (See “Crisis Criteria Defined” below).
Crisis Criteria Defined (that which is out of the control of the applicant):
- Loss of home or disruption of the use of your home due to fire or natural disaster defined as a tornado, flood, or earthquake.
- Death of a spouse or child.
- Assistance with funeral support where no insurance or other coverage is available.
- Assistance with medical bills related to devastating illness, injury or accident of the team member or an immediate family member (spouse or child) that results in the loss of income to the team member or their spouse.
- Support during times of loss of immediate family: covered family is defined as team member’s husband, wife, child, step-child, or grandchild if residing in the home.
- Situations which occur that are created outside of the team member’s control. Such situations require detailed information on the request and expected expenses to be incurred.
- Daily/household bills – this includes rent, utilities, cell phone, groceries, childcare, mortgage payments.
- Routine car repairs; tires, car insurance.
- Expenses related to the illness of a parent or grandchild unless the grandchild is in the custody of the team member, or the team member lives with their parent.
- Legal expenses.
Amounts awarded are limited to the funds available. The awarded amounts are based on the need defined and supporting details, as well as fund availability.
A request will not be reviewed unless all sections of the application have been completed. The application will then be sent to the HSGCF Executive Director for review. The Executive Director will attempt to reply within a 48-hour period to all requests, if possible.
Hospital Team Member Assistance Fund Application
For more information on the HSGCF Patient Safety Grant program, please contact:
For more information, contact: |
Becky Branson Hill, MBA, Ed.D. | Kim Schlup, AIS |
Executive Director | Sr. Marketing & Communications Coordinator |
HSG Charitable Foundation | HSG Charitable Foundation || 573-644-1323 || 573-644-1304 |