HSG’s Med-IQ Online Education

Healthcare Services Group partners with Med-IQ to provide our members and insureds an opportunity to improve risk management and patient safety practices while earning Continuing Education Credits and potential premium discounts through these courses.

Med-IQTo receive this credit, you must sign in through the HSG platform: https://hsg.med-iq.net/Security/Authentication/Login

Quick Links

Premium Discount

Medical Liability Alliance (MLA) and Missouri Hospital Plan (MHP) insured Physicians/Surgeons or Allied Health Care Professionals who successfully complete an HSG-approved online education course offered by Med-IQ receive Risk Management premium discount for each CME credit hour taken (i.e., 1.5 hours = 1.5% credit).
Contact your hospital’s Administration to see if you qualify to receive the maximum 10% credit though Med-IQ courses.
*Group/Slot-rated providers are not eligible for Risk Management premium discounts.

2025 Courses

Physician, Surgeon, and Allied Health Professional Courses

  • In your Med-IQ “To Do” tab you will have the HSG curriculum with access to 4 specialty courses and 6 general risk and patient safety courses.
  • In your Med-IQ “Supplemental courses” tab you will also have access to the prior year courses.

Nursing Courses

In your Med-IQ “To Do” tab you will have the HSG curriculum with access to 6 general risk and patient safety courses.

Continuing Education Credit

HSG members earn free continuing education credits (CME or CNE) by completing Med-IQ courses. HSG covers the fees as a member benefit.
Certificates are available immediately following course completion and can be accessed and/or printed at your convenience. For more instruction on how to access your HSG account, click here...

CME for Physicians

Med-IQ is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Nursing Contact Hours

Med-IQ is accredited with distinction as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.

Course Completion/Premium Credit Information
Technical Support
Eva Rohrbach | HSG RM & Patient Safety
Med-IQ Technical Support
(573) 545-5919
(888) 315-4356
Note: Med-IQ does not know if you have met your premium credit for any given policy term.
Please contact HSG for this information.